An interactive, getting-to-know-you networking event!
The Art of Networking is an interactive networking event broadcasted on a conferencing platform in combination with a web-based art platform. Participants hop between breakout rooms and mingle with team mates. Topics for "digital conversation drawing" are prompted and each artist works on their own virtual canvas to create works of art. At the end of each prompt, participants get to see a compilation of everyone's art piece and get to vote in a poll to gauge their opinions. This gives everyone the opportunity to see how others interpreted the topic. The aim of the game is to get to know other people, build relationships and share creative ideas, opinions, insights and perspectives. At the end of the activity, a mural of images is showcased to create lasting impressions.
People are so overloaded with information during virtual meetings, they are often short on networking time. This fun and relevant activity blends the best of thought-leadership, creativity and relationship building. It's a whole new honest way for participants to interact with each other. It creates a unique opportunity during a virtual coffee klatsch or happy hour, or it could engage your guests with some fun variations to their long meeting. The pure art of drawing sparks easy-going and natural sharing (rest assured, if you can draw a stick figure you can participate in this activity). The Art of Networking boosts connection, friendships and work relationships, and creates perhaps even business opportunities.
This activity has been designed for people who work remotely. Your team may be working from home, in different regional office locations or in different countries! Love the theme but want a face to face or hybrid solution? Get in touch to find out how we can customise this experience for your team.
Web and App based remote team building programs
Did you know we offer activities on both web and app? Ask us which remote programs suit your situation.