Building Stronger Teams: How SYNERGYK Amplified RESOLVE's Commitment to Collaboration and Leadership

Published on 18 Dec 2024 by David Simpson

Building Stronger Teams for a Just Future

RESOLVE is a Hong Kong-based non-profit organisation committed to promoting social justice and human rights, with a deep dedication to equality, empowerment, and leadership. Focused on supporting marginalised communities and amplifying the voices of the unheard, RESOLVE strives to create a more equitable society where everyone can thrive. Built on the core values of Rights, Equality, Solidarity, Organisation, Leadership, Voice, and Empowerment, RESOLVE is continuously shaping a future where rights and opportunities are accessible to all.

To strengthen its own internal culture, RESOLVE faced the challenge of enhancing collaboration, communication, and leadership within its diverse teams. In a world where varied backgrounds and skill sets can sometimes lead to friction, RESOLVE saw the need for a team-building solution that would not only bridge these gaps but also foster teamwork and clear communication.

This led them to embrace SYNERGYK, a dynamic and impactful team-building experience designed to nurture collaboration, leadership, and communication, all while creating an engaging, fun, and interactive environment.

icon objectives Objectives

  • Leadership Development
  • Alignment with RESOLVE’s Core Values
  • Fostering a Collaborative Work Environment
  • Enhancing Teamwork and Communication

icon challengeChallenges

  • Anticipating the Unknown
  • Ensuring Engagement
  • Strategies for Inclusivity

icon solutionsSolutions

  • Real-World Relevance
  • Dynamic Role Assignment
  • Accountability and Clear Communication

icon resultsResult

  • Positive Participant Feedback
  • Relevance to Daily Work

team success photo


The primary objective of SYNERGYK was clear: to promote teamwork, improve communication, and develop leadership qualities across RESOLVE’s teams. These goals were vital in ensuring that the organisation could continue to innovate and navigate complex challenges while fostering a highly collaborative environment.

Enhancing Teamwork and Communication

SYNERGYK’s activities were specifically designed to push teams into scenarios where collaboration was the only way to succeed. Through engaging and complex challenges, participants worked closely together, blending their skills and perspectives to solve problems and achieve common goals. Interactive activities promoted real-time communication, honing participants’ ability to express themselves clearly and listen actively.

Leadership Development

The experience also provided opportunities for team members to step into leadership roles. Participants were encouraged to take charge, guide their peers, and inspire their teams to overcome obstacles. By doing so, SYNERGYK fostered leadership skills and instilled a strong sense of accountability, creating a team of emerging leaders equipped to take on challenges within the organisation.

Alignment with RESOLVE’s Core Values

SYNERGYK was designed to align seamlessly with RESOLVE’s core values, particularly in Solidarity, Leadership, and Empowerment. The experience nurtured a spirit of collaboration by encouraging participants to support one another, take ownership of tasks, and leverage their unique skills for the team’s success. Through active involvement, participants were empowered to make decisions, enhancing the organisational culture of ownership, accountability, and inclusivity.

Fostering a Collaborative Work Environment

The diverse range of skills and perspectives within RESOLVE's teams played a crucial role in the activities’ success. By empowering participants to work towards common objectives, SYNERGYK reinforced RESOLVE’s commitment to creating an inclusive, collaborative, and mutually respectful work environment.

getting on experience


Anticipating the Unknown

Planning SYNERGYK for a diverse group meant anticipating challenges such as managing varying skill levels and backgrounds while fostering assertiveness and decision-making in unfamiliar scenarios. RESOLVE was also mindful of how to create leadership opportunities that embraced the diverse talents within their teams.

Ensuring Engagement

To overcome these challenges, teams were strategically formed with a mix of skill sets, ensuring every participant had the chance to contribute meaningfully. This encouraged a sense of belonging, motivation, and inclusivity, where each individual felt they had an important role to play.

Strategies for Inclusivity

Team leaders took an active role in ensuring that every voice was heard. By promoting open communication, encouraging feedback, and continually reminding the team of their shared goals, RESOLVE fostered an environment where every participant remained engaged and focused on the collective objective.

Team with David's Direction


Real-World Relevance

The activities within SYNERGYK mirrored the real-world challenges faced by RESOLVE teams daily — decision-making under time pressure, navigating diverse skills and talents, and overcoming unexpected challenges. This made the experience highly relevant and immediately applicable to the work RESOLVE does.

Dynamic Role Assignment

Initially, assigning roles was a challenge, but as the activity progressed, team members began recognising one another’s strengths, allowing for more effective task allocation. This adaptability helped teams become more cohesive and productive, as individuals could now take ownership of tasks suited to their skills.

Accountability and Clear Communication

SYNERGYK emphasised the importance of role accountability, with team leaders holding themselves and their members responsible for the team’s success. The experience created opportunities for teams to develop clear communication strategies, resolve conflicts constructively, and ensure everyone was aligned towards common goals.

Working with Synergyk


Positive Participant Feedback

Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive. The post-experience reports, including souvenir booklets and team performance assessments, provided invaluable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each team. These insights not only celebrated achievements but also highlighted areas for improvement, offering participants clear action points for personal and professional growth.

Relevance to Daily Work

Although SYNERGYK was a one-time experience, its lessons continue to resonate in the day-to-day work at RESOLVE. The activity underscored the critical role that teamwork, communication, and effective decision-making play in overcoming daily challenges, empowering teams to approach tasks with newfound confidence and clarity.

Coordination and Leadership

Reflection & Future Planning

Lessons for Future Team-Building Efforts

A key takeaway from SYNERGYK was the importance of fostering diversity and inclusion when forming teams. The experience also reinforced the need for open, honest communication to ensure all team members feel heard and valued.

Maintaining Momentum

To maintain the momentum from SYNERGYK, RESOLVE has incorporated regular team-building assessments and feedback sessions into its organisational culture. Recently, each team member completed an online VIA behaviour test, which will be revisited in six months to track changes in team dynamics and growth, ensuring the lessons from SYNERGYK continue to shape the team’s future.

Raymond's remarks


SYNERGYK has proven to be a transformative team-building experience for RESOLVE, aligning with their core values and empowering participants to work more collaboratively and communicate more effectively. The activity not only met but exceeded expectations, equipping RESOLVE’s teams with the tools and mindset necessary for ongoing growth and success. As the organisation continues to nurture these skills, RESOLVE is set on a path of sustained transformation and long-term achievement.

More information

For more information about the SYNERGYK program click here.

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