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Does your organisational focus point in the right direction?

Published on 21 Apr 2021 by David Simpson

How have you been lately? Have you, like many other people, been busy extinguishing little fires everywhere or have you been able to focus on what’s important?

When you have a lot going on, it can be difficult to determine what’s important on an organisational level.

Well, if you need any guidance, I can tell you that human capital is the most valuable asset of any organisation and it’s essential to develop and continuously improve your staff’s skills.

You might think “we already offer a gamified LMS so staff can upskill themselves,” and “we are still managing this crisis, we don’t have time for extra activities”.

I hear you, but did you know that 90% of the LMS products are focused on individual skills, not collective skills? And did you know that short and sweet team activities enhance learning and performance in the most efficient and effective manner possible?

Try to make time for your team’s collaborative development in order to improve your organisation’s success, even if it’s only a few minutes per week.

Check out our short-of-time virtual team building solutions that can really give your team the boost they need

Here’s to time-effective collective upskilling!

PS: you can find more fun short-of-time activities

David Simpson

Co-Founder & Training Director at Team Building Asia

Challenging people to reach their highest potential through experiential, interactive and fun workshops with a strong and meaningful business outcome.

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